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Best system utility software free downloads service! Try now!
System software planned to help analyse, configure, optimize, and maintain the computer.
Hard disk utility software to fix the condition and manage all views of disk drives.
Windows utility software tool collection to appraise, organise, and optimise the activities of the computer.
- Version: 1.05
- Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 30/11/2008
- Program language: English
- Program System Requirements: 32 MB RAM
- OS: WinXP, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000
- Primary Download: download link
- Company: Lomsel
- Description:
Lomsel Shutdown is a small system utility that can automatically perform various frequently used operations like shutdown or restart your computer, disconnect your current dialup connection, hibernate workstation, etc.
Macro Scheduler Automation Tool
Save time and automate your PC. Record macros and build scripts with the powerful, easy to use scripting language. Assign macros to schedules, hotkeys or desktop shortcuts, or compile to standalone EXEs. Automate those mundane, repetitive tasks.
GSA Auto Website Submitter
Submit your web site to over 3600 search engines and directories. It will save you a lot of time and money since its fully automated. Promoting your web site has never been easier. Get more customers and rise your sales.
Add Contacts
Microsoft Outlook add-in. Add Contacts automatically, adds e-mail addresses to the contact folder when you reply to a message and/or send a new message. This will help you avoid losing addresses of people you correspond with.
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