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PDF Splitter Freeware
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Vendor Price: $ 29
License: Shareware
File Size: 2.58 Mb
Version: 10.05.01
Release Date:
25 Jan 2012
OS: Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
System Requirements:
Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, 10 MB
Company: PDF Splitter Freeware
This pdf splitter freeware can split large files based on different parameters such as page, page range, size, odd Pages and even Pages. This tool carries forward the same philosophy which PDF was designed for- facilitating data portability in a secure and robust manner. This software comes with a host of features that allows its functioning without any compatibility issue or problem. Therefore, it does not require Adobe Reader for split and merge functions. You can easily split or merge encrypted file if you have the password. Another enticing feature of the software is naming the output files as per your convention for easy identification. You can also prioritize the page order while merging small PDFs. You can select all PDF files in one go that belong to a particular folder, that saves your precious time by circumventing repetitive steps. This utility is available as a pdf splitter freeware for evaluation purpose, once satisfied with the result you can go ahead and purchase the full version to enjoy all the benefits uninterrupted. Kernel for PDF Split and Merge utility allows you to manage and data by splitting and combining PDF files as per your need. Weaved around the stem of usability and cost-effectiveness, this is one tool that you cannot afford to ignore, if you are required to deal with pdf data. For more information visit www.pdfsplitter.org
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Shareable print driver that provides network users with the ability to create an Adobe PDF or ISO 19005-1 PDF/A file from any application that can print. Centralize PDF creation with Windows Terminal Services or Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server.
PDF Splitter and Merger
Merge PDF documents and split PDF files with ease. Split PDF files based on page ranges and page numbers. Merge PDF documents quickly by sorting and combining a group of files using the merging feature
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